class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Using Github with RStudio ] .author[ ### Harshvardhan ] .institute[ ### University of Tennessee ] .date[ ### August 24, 2022 ] --- # What is GitHub? GitHub is a software for version control. -- **Version control:** A system to manage changes to files in a way that reverting to an old version is quick and easy. -- .pull-left[ > Yeah, I'm thankful > > Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful > > Gotta say it's really been a while > > But now I got back that smile (Smile) ] .pull-right[] *Write. Scratch that. Rewrite.* --- # Why use GitHub? .pull-left[Save yourself from coffee spills, have an online backup for free] .pull-right[] -- .pull-left[Instead of saving copies, you make "commit". So, no more files named like - report-final.pdf - report-final-final.pdf - report-v2-final.pdf] --- # GitHub lets you time travel  --- background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,#github-history.gif") --- # Branch and Merge Things are going great. Then someone has a **wild idea**. .center[] ## How to experiment without messing up everything? Enter GitHub branches. --- background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,#branch-and-merge.png") background-size: contain --- background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,#branch-and-merge2.png") background-size: contain --- class: inverse, middle, center # How to use GitHub with RStudio? --- # Step 1: Install Git Go to Terminal and write `which git` and `git --version` to see Git version  If both commands work, jump to next step. If not, install Git. --- ## MacOS If you don't already have Git installed, writing `git --version` would present you with an offer to install Xcode command line tools. Accept the offer. ## Windows Install Git for Windows from [""]( ## Linux Ubuntu or Debian Linux: ``` sudo apt-get install git ``` Fedora or RedHat Linux: ``` sudo yum install git ``` --- # Step 2: Configure Git We will use `usethis::create_github_token()` function from `usethis` package. Recommended scope is auto-selected. .fn[1] .footnote[[1] If you don't have `usethis` and `gitcreds`, install with `install.packages(c("usethis", "gitcreds"))`] ``` usethis::create_github_token() ``` Copy the generated Personal Access Token (PAT) and leave the browser window open. Now, open `gitcreds` with ``` gitcreds::gitcreds_set() ``` and paste your PAT when asked for password. Go Vols! --- # Step 3: Create GitHub Repo Create a new GitHub repo and copy it's link.  --- # Step 4: Create a New R Project  --- # Step 5: Create files, make changes and commit!  --- # Committing Together 🫶 Everyone can commit on the main branch directly You will need to invite collaborators to your respository. See [Inviting collaborators to a personal repository]( 1. On ****, go to your repository 2. Open repo's **Settings** 3. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click **Collaborators & teams**. 4. Click **Invite a collaborator**. 5. Enter their email or **username**. Your proposed collaborators will be invited to your repository. They have seven days to accept the offer. --- # What's Next? Branches Pull requests Collaboration Private repository GitHub Pro is free for students and educators